772 Dudley Shoals Road  -  Granite Falls, North Carolina

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Deadly Shoals Haunted Trail:  2005 Sponsors
Deadly shoals Haunted Trail is proud to introduce you to our wonderful sponsors for this year!

Toppers Pizza!Toppers Pizza:
Carry Out and Free Delivery!
2014 North Center Street (Hwy 127 N.)
Phone:  (828) 431-4444
Email:  Hickory@Toppers.com

Carolina Mills:
Carolina Mills
Founded in 1928, Carolina Mills Inc. has supplied products to the textile industry for 75 years!  Special thanks to them for sponsoring us in 2004!

Event Dates And Times:
October 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th, 16th, & October 20-31, 2005

Trail Hours:
Weekdays: Dusk - 10:30p.m.
Weekends:  Dusk - Until Last Victim.


722 Dudley Shoals Rd.
Granite Falls, N.C 28630

Ticket Information:
$10 for Adults
$6 for kids under 12
Due to the intense nature of this year's trail, no children under the age of 12 will be admitted without parental permission!